Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I've been meaning to do this for some time. So now in our our 15th year in Wrigleyville. We will vote for the first OOY. To the left are the 4 Owners who recieved the most nominations. I was only going to post 3 owners but i had a tie and decided that both deserved consideration. here are the four worthy finalists and a comment by some who nominated them.

Mark3313:  I nominate Mark3313 he won 124 games this season. Need I say anymore.

Mdymond: I nominate Mdymond whose Salmonbellies went from 70 -92 to 91 - 70! Heck of a turn around for the year!!!---------I nominate SD Salmonbellies owner mdymond. From last to one game away from the playoffs, mdymond did it all with a 52 million dollar payroll.

Rbedwell: After looking through, I'll go w/Rbedwell. His team seems to be getting even better

Nwsheehy007: nwsheehy007 is who I nominate for the owner vote.--------I'll go with NWsheehy007 , His team just won their first Division Championship two years after winning it all.

Others receiving Nominations. Hshack, Sordie, Jmas410 ,Madmuldoon.

 I've also been wracking my alcohol soaked brain. Trying to come up with a name for the Award instead of OOY. I came up with names like The Cleatus Spoonybarger award or The Billy Martin Award. If any of you have a suggestion it will be appreciated.

So get out there and VOTE!!!

1 comment:

  1. It should be named after whoever wins it first.
