The CINCINATTI RED LIGHT DISTRICTS traded Lance Bailey to the WASHINGTON D C WINGDINGS for Howard Allen and 400,000
Cincy added a former FOY to their bullpen and some cap money. Allen will be seeking a big contract in his final Arb year. The Wingdings get a nice pitching prospect for the rebuild.
The DURHAM BULLSHIPPERS traded Jamie Yang to the FARGO PRAIRIE DOGS for Gerry Abbott and Richard Beckham
Fargo picked up last years Futures game MVP.Not only can Yang hit but he's also a very good defensive LF'er.The Bullshippers get a good catching prospect and pitching prospect. Both have good potential.
The DURHAM BULLSHIPPERS traded Ruben Reyes and 2,000,000 to the JACKSON BLACK BEARS for Jose Lugo
Jackson gets a solid RF'er with his salary paid and an extra 1.1 million in cap money.The Black Bears spent 45 million on IFA's and Draft picks ,so they could use a little extra money. Durham picks up a good pitching prospect.
Del Cordero
Last week I warned the Coat Factories that Del "Monte" Cordero would get his can kicked once or twice a year. I didn't think the twice would happen a day after he came off the DL. Now he will miss the rest of the year with elbow tendinitis. Time to put this guy into the Bargain bin. Anyone want to buy a Dented Can??? Anyone??
Alex Black
Alex "Back in" Black is a local boy from B.C.. So I followed his career closely and he has done real well for Hoopcoach's team.But now he's out the rest of the year with a torn knee. Hoopcoach needs to trade him to my Vancouver squad. Alex wants to be "back in" good ole Canada!
Raul Castro
Hoopcoach had another player go down but Raul "Full Body" Castro is only going to miss 2 weeks.This young rookie is having a solid start to his career. And I will wait until his "Full Body" of work is in before commenting further.
Don Lim
Last year the Howlers took a chance on Don "out on a" Lim. He is back on the DL for the third time after signing his new contract. Maybe time to trim the Lim.
Sammy Galvez
A devastating injury to the Black Sox. Sammy "Jammy" Galvez will be out for 236 days with a herniated disk. With 2 years at 5.7 per, Jammy will gum up Chicago's Future Financial Flexability.
Melky Barrios
This is Melky "Maid" Barros's first stint on the M L, DL. And that is suprising seeing how his health rating is in the 30's.Now that his Maiden is broken ,could we see him on the DL more often? Time will tell.
Grant LaRocca
Grant "nightclub" LaRocca signed a new 3 year 4.8 million per year contract this off-season. Now this Charlotte Hurler is out the rest of the year with shoulder surgery. Sometimes you roll snake-eyes.Craps!!
Dick Badenhop
Dick "Took a" Badenhop will miss a couple weeks with a sore hammy. The Muskies relize that the baseball gods Giveth and Tooketh away.Sometimes more than the other?
Omar Hartman
Omar "Mary" Hartman will miss the rest of the season with shoulder tendinitis. Wylie is drowning himself in a pot of Chicken Soup.
David Villalona
The hits just keep coming for the City Limits. David "Bob" Villalona will miss 2 weeks with a sore shoulder. This rookie is looking for some Improvement!
Felix Wang
Felix Wang "Dang Sweet Kickapoo Puntang" is stoked that he's rockin in the majors. If the Kickapoos weren't in a semi-rebuild Felix would be head banging in the minors.
Bob Neugebauer
Bob "Nugie" Neugebauer is out for 2 weeks with a broken toe. Rumor has it that he injured it doing his new dance called the Nugie Boogie. You can catch it at a Howler game near you.
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20.1 million and a S/T invite for this yummy, tasty, IFA. Looks like a future MVP.
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1.3 million for this home run hitter. Low contact may lower expectations.
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2 million for thsi future ML bullpen pitcher. He's worth the try.
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2.5 million for this power hitter. Could use some help with the glove. Reminds me of Nelson Cruz maybe??
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Minor League innings eater.
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Loading up for next year. Good for the minor leagues.
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