Monday, September 5, 2011

17 Reasons Leo Durocher Was Made of Pure Awesome

1) Nice guys finish last.
-- Leo Durocher

2) I've never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes.
-- Leo Durocher

3) I'd trip my mother. I'll help her up, brush her off, tell her I'm sorry. But mother don't make it to third.
-- Leo Durocher

4) I come to win.
-- Leo Durocher

5) Show me a good loser and I'll show you an idiot.
-- Leo Durocher

6) Win any way you can as long as you can get away with it.
-- Leo Durocher

7) Give me some scratching, diving, hungry ballplayers who come to kill you.
-- Leo Durocher

8) Branch Rickey, on Leo Durocher:
He had the ability of taking a bad situation and making it immediately worse.

9) Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand.
-- Leo Durocher

10) I made a game effort to argue but two things were against me: the umpires and the rules.
-- Leo Durocher

11) "Luck? If the roof fell in and Dizzy (Dean) was sitting in the middle of the room, everybody else would be buried and a gumdrop would fall in his mouth."
-- Leo Durocher

12) I don't care if the guy is yellow or black, or if he has stripes like a fuckin' zebra. I'm the manager of this team, and I say he plays.
-- Leo Durocher (on Jackie Robinson)

13) God watches over drunks and third baseman.
-- Leo Durocher

14) How you play the game is for college ball. When you're playing for money, winning is the only thing that matters.
-- Leo Durocher

15) It's possible to spend money anywhere in the world if you put your mind to it, something I proved conclusively by running up huge debts in Cincinnati.
-- Leo Durocher

16) Dick Young, on Leo Durocher:
You and Durocher are on a raft. A wave comes and knocks him into the ocean. You dive in and save his life. A shark comes and takes your leg. Next day, you and Leo start out even.

17) Groucho Marx, upon hearing that Leo Durocher was leading the Giants:
Yes, and so is everyone else in the league.

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